Caravan of the Xcluded

with 3 Comments

The Real Jobs Summit will be preceded by a caravan of buses and taxis that will come down to Cape Town bringing activists of the Assembly of the Unemployed to Cape Town. Between 200 and 300 activists from the affiliates of the Assembly of the Unemployed will form part of the caravan. The caravan will raise awareness in relation to the Campaign of the Cry of the Excluded. It will pass through several towns stopping on the way to engage with poor and excluded communities. 

The Caravan of the Xcluded will leave Emalahleni on the 21st of February and will carry with it a diverse set of community activists from across the country on a 2 Day journey to Cape Town for the Real Jobs Summit and Budget Day Protest. Along this long journey, the caravan will pick up other activists throughout the country. It will also stop at various towns and villages across South Africa and engage with South Africa’s forgotten people, collecting ideas and demands for our Real Jobs Summit. 

The caravan will converge in Bloemfontein where the activists coming from, eMalahleni, Gauteng, Free State will hold a mini-rally to bring attention to the campaign of the Assembly of the Unemployed against austerity, job losses, and mass unemployment.


Carvan highlights

  • Fri 21 Feb:  Departing Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Gauteng, KZN & Eastern Cape
  • Sat 22 Feb: Rally of the Xcluded in Bloemfontein
  • Sun 23 Feb:  #WorkForUs occupation in Cape Town
  • Mon 24 Feb: Real Jobs Summit in Cape Town
  • Wed 26 Feb: #WorkForUs Budget Day March to Parliament


Carvan Contacts

To be updated soon 😉

3 Responses

  1. […] of people are travelling from from across South Africa will to make our voices […]

  2. […] The Assembly of the Unemployed (AoU) and several trade unions have come together to protest the South African government’s economic policies. The South African Federation of trade unions (SAFTU) and Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu) are have also joined AoU in a campaign called “The Cry of the Xcluded.” […]

  3. […] The Assembly of the Unemployed (AoU) and several trade unions have come together to protest the South African government’s economic policies. The South African Federation of trade unions (SAFTU) and Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu) are have also joined AoU in a campaign called “The Cry of the Xcluded.” […]